Some Leaks Details About GTA 6 New PS5 Features & More

May 9, 2024 (4 months ago)

GTA 6 – Here to talk about all the video game news that has been going on this week. And it’s been a pretty wild week, a lot of rumor stuff, but just some cool stuff overall.

So let’s just jump in. The first story, the top story, you know we were gonna talk about it. We talk about every single fricking, little, tiny, “Grand Theft Auto” rumor on this show, but this is a pretty substantial one. The newest rumors on the street for “Grand Theft Auto VI,” these seemingly leaks, if you wanna call ’em that, suggests that a lot of the previous leaks we’ve been hearing might be true. So this is reported by Jason Schreier at Bloomberg, who does have a track record for getting some things and getting some scoops right.

The bigger thing about this report isn’t actually the GTA stuff, it’s more detailing Rockstar changing their workplace culture after, you guys probably remember in around 2018, there was a whole big thing about crunch culture at the studio and unhappy employees, apparently that has been shored up.

But along with that, we know that the next “Grand Theft Auto” game is possibly, if these rumors are correct, code named “Project Americas,” and the game is going to feature two protagonists, seemingly a man and a woman in kind of a “Bonnie and Clyde” style story. It’s going to take place in a fictionalized Miami in Florida, which a lot of people assume is going to be Vice City. So seemingly maybe a modern day Vice City, the world is apparently bigger than previous games, which, you know, makes sense.

And apparently there are going to be a lot more interiors. And there has also been some inklings in this of an ever-evolving world where new cities and missions are going to be added to essentially flesh out was originally their plan, to make a whole continental thing with multiple cities. Now, hearing that the always updated, evolving world, people just think, “Is it going to be, like, a live service ‘Grand Theft Auto’ and always online ‘Grand Theft Auto,’ or like one big ‘GTA Online?'”

That stuff worries me. I’d rather traditional expansions. Remember the “Grand Theft Auto IV” and its expansions? I know they didn’t really add new areas, but they were really good and I was happy to pay for those. So if they did that again, yes, but it’s 2022, we’re very skeptical. Things are a little more slippery these days.

So there’s that. The report also had a small line suggesting that some of the satire, some of the humor, may toned down a little bit, to reflect current Rockstar culture. People obviously can flip out hearing that. I’m gonna judge it when I see it. “Grand Theft Auto V” to me, was actually pretty tame, unpopular opinion. Still, that’s what we know. And it’s in a time where a lot of people are just overall a little more skeptical of Rockstar after some certain things.

Absolutely understandable. A lot of people don’t want to hear this stuff until they actually can see the game. I’m just hoping at the end of the day, that they can tell a story close to the caliber of “Red Dead Redemption 2.” You guys know, I really, really like “Red Dead 2” and the story, so fingers crossed, man. I don’t know.

But if you wanna read about all this stuff, of course, all the stories I talk about are all gonna be linked in the description down below. Also I have a little bit of a cold, so if I sound more annoying than usual, sorry. The other thing I’m pretty excited about this week are new PlayStation 5 features. So Sony has actually detailed a beta that is going to be rolling out for certain people for new PS5 software that’s gonna give some features that we’ve been wanting for a while, specifically 1440 support, dude. 1440, the master resolution, if you ask me. If you play on PC, I think you know what’s up.

This is going to be good specifically for people who maybe play their PS5 on a monitor. It’s just that happy medium, perfect resolution. Of course, the games have to support it, but apparently it’s gonna be implemented and it’s going to work like how changing resolutions and the rest of the display settings already work on PS5, which is tight.

Along with that also, folders. They’re not specifically called folders, but just a way of organizing your games a bit more efficiently is definitely welcome. And that’s coming along with a couple of quality-of-life updates here and there, little extra features for joining friends and parties and stuff like that. Quality-of-life things, including leaving a game and then starting it up again. The hub is actually going to show you, possibly if the game supports it, what quest you left off on, which is pretty interesting. So if you wanna read up on all those details, like I said, everything’s linked.

I think this is gonna be a good one. I’m very much looking forward to having the 1440 options and organizing my damn stuff.

And next up this episode is brought to you by nada. Nothing, I always do that when we don’t have a sponsor. Thank you guys for clicking on sponsors. Thank you for just watching us. Showing up.

We genuinely appreciate it. I know it’s corny that I’m doing this right now, but I think YouTubers don’t do it enough. We’re grateful for you guys being here. Anyway, oh, the “Nier: Discovery,” dude, we gotta talk about that. So, (laughs) oh boy. So the “Nier” community, for “Nier: Automata” specifically, was pretty blown wide open for the last week or so, thanks to this whole church thing, a seemingly undiscovered door in the game that people have seen videos demonstrate, revealing crazy new unseen stuff in “Nier” which seems like maybe it was cut content or like some sort of ARG thing, for maybe a new possible game.

And it was a huge mystery, and people were really excited about it within that community, and now later this week it was revealed that it was the work of modders. It’s not real. it’s not a hack into a back door of the game. It is modders. And interestingly enough, it’s from a game that was considered pretty un-moddable for most folks. So they’ve kind of blown this out, and this was kind of their way of revealing like, “Hey, we’re gonna start putting out open source stuff for people to mod and mess around with ‘Nier.'”

So ultimately kind of a cool ending if you still wanna consider it anti-climactic. Yeah, they did apologize. But, yeah, that’s where that’s at. So definitely read up on that if you were into the first part of the story because of course the ending, or the correction, never gets as big a headlines. So here you go. Moving on, another surprise report from Bloomberg earlier this week, on a Monday, Monday or Tuesday, it was terrible to wake up to the fact that it’s seemingly the “Knights of the Old Republic” remake is on hold indefinitely. According to this report, there’s a lot of stuff going on internally.

And specifically two leads don’t work at the company anymore. They were let go. I think it was one of the lead gameplay designers and lead art person. This was after internally, they thought they had a pretty good demo to put together and show to the publishers. They showed it to the publishers.

They were pretty excited about, they thought it was gonna be good, and apparently, I guess, it wasn’t received so well. So that is an absolute bummer for a game that just has so much potential if you’re a “Star Wars” fan. You understand the lore implications, but also just on its own, a cool RPG, with a very cool story and a cool twist. This thing has been in the headlines for a while now, with people questioning a lot of it, different things. And I don’t know, I think it’s gonna be hard to remake a game like this.

It is so special, but for right now, it’s probably gonna be a long time till we hear more about it. This report suggested at least a couple more years, if they figure this boat out, if they right this ship, you know what I mean? A lot of people think it’s gonna totally die on the vine, but I think the power of the brand and “Star Wars,” and this is technically it’s developed by Aspyr and another team helping them out, which that team is probably going to take over more now, but also the fact that it is Embracer Group Publishing, and I think they would definitely like to still have a “Star Wars” game in their portfolio.

And they have a ton of money, so I expect it to continue in some way, maybe not with Aspyr, or Asper, or however, it’s spelled weird, depending on how much they’re working on the game. But yeah, that’s where that’s at. I am very curious to hear what you guys think. You know, not necessarily of the studio drama or the game being paused, but do you think KotOR could be remade in the first place? That’s a conversation that I wanted to have when this thing was first announced. So let me know. Next up, we got some brief videos linked in the description down below for you.

The first is PSA, out this week, is the “MultiVersus” open beta. It is free to download, so free to play. It has all the typical free-to-play elements. So that’s not so great, but I do kind of like the core gameplay. We did a “Before You Buy” for it. A brief one, that’ll be linked down there. Let me know who your main is. I want to hear it. The other thing we linked in the description down below is the launch trailer for “Xenoblade Chronicles 3,” which is dropping now today, Friday, if you’re watching it. I have been playing it. I got it a little bit early. We’re probably gonna try and put out a “Before You Buy” for it this weekend.

It’s a lot of game though, but so far seems like an awesome JRPG. I also really loved 2. This is a different direction, of course, expectedly, but, yeah, all signs point to good. Oh, and also check this out. This is via the YouTube channel TeaserPlay. This is a look at “Bully,” running an Unreal Engine 5, and it is absolutely insane. Now, clearly this is a small fan project. Some environments look a little too overdone, too detailed. Some characters look a little wonky, but overall, this shows you what we could have. Man, this is incredible work.

I love this shit. Definitely check out the full video, which we will link down into description below. Give it a like, you know back that up, ’cause this is pretty sweet. “Bully” had the best soundtrack, super underrated, just the vibe of the whole thing was incredible. If anything, I just wanna replay it for that. And this video reminded me of all that.

Also, if you’ve been keeping up with it, because there has been a steady dribble of news for a long time, PS VR2. So now we know a lot about it. And this week in the PlayStation Blog, we got some details about how the interface is gonna work, how the pass through camera is gonna work, how it’s gonna be able to map your living room. So that way you can have barriers and not bump into your couch. You’re going to be able to see it in real time in your VR. If you’ve been using something like the Quest, you kind of know what’s up. So that’s all detailed.

A couple of other little bits of interface stuff. And interestingly enough, if you are into the Meta quests stuff, they announced that they are raising the price of it by a hundred bucks in August. I wanna know what you guys think about this. Because, obviously, their messaging is one thing, but do you think they need to bring in more money? Do you think it’s VR just not bringing enough of money and VR just needs more funding? Or do you think it’s more of a Facebook thing, sorry,

Meta, ’cause they have a lot of shit going on? If you read tech news, you know what’s up. So public service announcement, I guess, if you were thinking about picking one up, the price jacks up in August. So there you go. Also in some cool small news, a leak, you know, a possible report, another rumor.

So take it all with the grain of salt. But industry insider, Jeff Grubb, is suggesting that EA is working on a “Black Panther” game. Apparently a big, open, action adventure “Black Panther” thing is in the works by a new Seattle studio set up by EA, and that is very interesting, because, at this point, that doesn’t really sound like the type of game that EA would make, license or otherwise. Even if it wasn’t a licensed game, like a Marvel property,

I wouldn’t expect them to develop a cool thing like that. But I think, obviously, Wakanda and all that is rife for adventuring and like cool sci-fi shit, and just good superhero stuff.

So why not? I’m open to it. The cynical person will say, “Oh yeah, how are they gonna put micro transactions in it?” But I don’t know. It seems like it just started out in development. So we’re gonna have to wait and see for a long time if this is actually true, but yeah. But really, guys, that’s everything going on this week. We gotta get back to work. We had to cut this video a little short.

I gotta keep grinding on “Xenoblade Chronicles 3.” So let me know what you think about all the stories this week. We talked about a lot, just kind of all over the place stuff. So let me know what you think about the “Grand Theft Auto VI” stuff. Are you playing “MultiVersus?” Who’s your main? What other types of quality-of-life features do you want in a new PS5 software update like what we detailed? And then if you’re playing on Xbox, I’d love to know what you want fixed over there too. Are you like me? Are you skeptical of just like a remake of KotOR in general?

Just for me, it’s like the holy thing, it cannot be touched, but do you feel the same way? Let’s talk about all this stuff.

That’s all you ever gotta do. We are always gonna be here every Friday backing you up. Just a little news, catch up. Have a good weekend. I’m Jake Baldino, see you guys next time. Pizza’s all me.

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